
我們會Tailor-made婚紗,Tailor-made花球! 可有想過Tailor-made Honeymoon? (Memorymoon是Honeymoon Planner,只替新人計劃行程,**代搜尋及聯絡合適民宿、酒店、機票、交通等。但不是旅行社,不會代付款)



小CC已3個多月大了,好吃好睡 (感恩!)。CC也有時間可重拾喜愛的工作了!


各位支持Memorymoon的蜜月旅人!不好意思CC玩得流連忘返,2013年7-8月左右才會再開始Planning service!祝大家Have a memorable honeymoon!

(CC拍於Iceland 2013)


Keep Refreshing是CC的生活哲學!又要往外國走走Enjoy Life了!



2012及2013年是每11年才一次的sun max. period,即看見極光的機會很高啊!
建議3, 4, 9或10月前往,天氣不會過份寒冷,而且比較少雲,適合極光之旅!
可選美國Alaska Fairbanks, 加拿大Yellowknife, 冰島,挪威,芬蘭等地!




We are back yesterday. Our honeymoon trip is smooth and we are so happy that we have chosen Croatia and slovenia for honeymoon. The scenes are so beautiful! You can recommend these lovely places to your guests.

Thanks for your file so much. It is very easy for us to visit the places as you have included maps and detailed description (and updated bus schedule) in the file. Although it is 自由行, we followed most of your suggested schedule. Hahaha.

We love the hotels and guesthouses you suggested for us, especially the one in dubrovnik (dubrovnik is such a beautiful city!) and in rovinj. Ante is so helpful abd his guesthouse is lovely with lots of flowers in his garden.

Rovinij guesthouse is very special and warm, liked a sweet home. We are so glad that we found you to plan our honeymoon. Everything is smooth and lovely. Also, we were happy to watch Slovenian dance in Ljubljana.
Will send you some photos later.
Irene =)
(轉載自Memorymoon E-mail)



Hello CC!

Sorry for our late reply!

Thank you for your planning and we have enjoyed the trip very much = ) Greece is really a very beautiful place.... actually not only beautiful but also very relaxing.... we have enjoyed our time in all the island, especially in Mykonos and Santorini. The hosts in all "white house" are all very friendly and thank you for your recommendation for the accommodation!

For the photo, we are too lazy and it is still not being "extracted" from the camera = P do you have facebook? maybe we can add each other as friends so that when we uploaded the photo, you could have chance to see that!

One small twist in our trip, as you already know, is the ship from Mykonos to Naxos being cancelled. We only realized that a few hours before the original ship departure time so we are a bit worried! The company did arrange for another ship so instead of going directly we travel Mykonos --- Paros --- Naxos. By the time we arrive at Naxos it was already 9pm. So instead of having a dinner in Naxos town (which according to you is pretty cheap), we have cup noddles in the hotel instead! haha = P Quite unimaginable for us who live in HK that the ship were cancelled without any prior notice (i think they have the passenger email?), but I guess it is not uncommon in Europe maybe? especially it is still not the peak travel season.

Anyway thank you very much again for your help! It would be impossible to have such a wonderful trip without your assistant and recommendation. Any other place that you are specialize in planning? Maybe we can seek your help again when we visit those places next time (after we have recovered financially : p - oh by the way, speaking of money, we spending exactly 50k in the trip - good planning!)

Kanix and Jason



Hi CC,

Sorry for my late reply. After coming back from UK I was flooded by
the tons of work left during my absence in office. And then Shirley
and I both got sick....
First of all I have to say thank you for the good planning in
particular the restaurants you recommended. It made me enjoy the trip
with a slow pace and leisurely....

The resturant at Notting Hill – it’s too great !! that’s the best fish I have
ever eaten in my life, so is Shirley’s comment !! I ordered Haddock
and Shirley ordered Cod. The Haddock was excellent, and the Cod is
even better – excellent of excellent !! I recommended it to my
classmates. They returned same comments.

The Michelin – Going to there from the Knightbridge underground station was
not easy … it took us 40 mins to find Petrus … The environment is so
nice !! People there provided us with very very very good services –
beyond my expectation !! The food quality was very good. I ordered foie gras, lobster and crème brulee and Shirley ordered foie gras, sea
bass and Souffle. Shirley said the Souffle was the best one she had ever tried. I remember … after we making orders, a Japanese waiter
said: Lobster is the king of sea and sea bass is the queen … He was

For the bike tours – we finally didn’t go for this tour because it’s rainy and very cold on the day. The tour leader said if we don’t go
we may make appointment again online within one year.

I’ll send you some pictures taken during the trip, of course including
one taken at Petrus.

Please let me know should you have any queries. I'm enthusiastic to
give feedback !!

